Iona Island Rare Bird List
The following list contains all information regarding records of Casual and Accidental birds recorded at Iona Island Regional Park in Richmond British Columbia. The Checklist Area is all of Iona Island including the immediate waters around the Iona South (often called the “West”) Jetty, the North Arm Jetty, apportion of the North Arm of the Fraser River, McDonald Slough and the Iona-Sea Island Causeway which joins Iona and Sea Islands. The checklist does not include Sea Island. The Iona Island Checklist has a total of 333 species, 69 breeding species and 125 species seen less than once per year. Many records that are listed have been documented either by written field notes (FN) and some records have been seen by a single observer and are recorded as a sight record (sr). The casual and accidental records listed include historical records, including specimens, cited observations, photographed records, species and accepted sightings found in the literature about BC Birds. There are a couple of records that are included for completeness but are hypothetical. This List is a general synopsis of occurrence and should be interpreted as such. I wish to thank the hard work of the following people who compiled information recently and over the past decades making researching this list possible: Mike Boyd, Bill Hughes, R. Wayne Campbell, Mike Shepard, John Toochin, Wayne Weber, Brian Kautesk, Richard Cannings, Michael Force, John Dorsey, Paul Levesque, Tom Plath, Brian Self, Ilya Povalyaev, Melissa Hafting, and John Chandler. I wish to thank past and present members of Nature Vancouver (formerly the Vancouver Natural History Society), local, and out-of-town birders who have contributed sightings over the decades. I also wish to thank the members of Wild Research for their many recent sightings. All these people made the creation of this document possible. A list of references and a complete list of contributors to this list are provided at the end of the document. If you have any comments, additional observations or questions please contact us.
RareBirdsIonaIslandVersion-Mar-1-2025.pdf 3.04 MB