Upper Fraser Valley Rare Bird List

The Fraser Valley Bird checklist area encompasses the upper Fraser Valley, parts of the Fraser Canyon and the Skagit Valley. The western boundary starts at the Canada – US Border and follows Bradner Road in Aldergrove and the eastern boundaries of Golden Ears and Garibaldi Provincial Parks. The northern boundary encompasses much of the Nahatlatch River watershed and crosses Highway #1 at Hell’s Gate with the northeastern boundary being the northern end of the Coquihalla Summit Recreation Area. The boundary then goes straight south with the eastern boundary including all of Hope but stops at the eastern boundary of the Hope Slide at Sunshine Valley. 
Manning Park, Boston Bar, and everything west of Bradner Road are not included in the Upper Fraser Valley Bird checklist area 
There have been 402 confirmed species of birds recorded in the Fraser Valley with at least 165 breeding species being recorded over the years. There are 12 introduced species, 20 suspected breeding species, 10 extirpated species and there are 157 species seen less than once a year in the checklist area. If you have additional information, a new sighting for the list, or any corrections please contact us.


  • BirdsRareFraserValleyVersion-Mar-1-2025.pdf 47.6 MB