Red-necked Stint
( Calidris ruficollis )
The Status, Occurrence and Identification of Red-necked Stint in British Columbia. By Rick Toochin: Revised: August 10, 2024.
Introduction and Distribution
The Red-necked Stint (Calidris ruficollis) breeds across the high arctic regions of Siberia Russia, ranging from the Taimyr Peninsula west across northern Siberia to the Chukotsky Peninsula. In North America, the breeding range of this species is limited to northern and Western Alaska, particularly along the coastlines of the Seward Peninsula and the coastal regions around Point Barrow. The Red-necked Stint winters widely throughout Southeast Asia, occurring from southern China and Myanmar west through Malaysia, Indonesia, coastal New Guinea, and Australia to New Zealand. The primary migration routes used in spring and fall bring large numbers of this species to Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and the Philippines (Veit and Jonsson 1984).
Away from their limited breeding range, Red-necked Stints in North America are regular (albeit rare to uncommon) as migrants only in the Aleutian Islands and through the Bering Sea of Alaska. Vagrants have been recorded along both coasts of North America, as well as in Hawaii, South America, Europe and South Africa (Veit and Jonsson 1984; Rosair and Cottridge 1995). There are 28 confirmed records for British Columbia, all from coastal regions, with 19 coming from the Vancouver area (Boundary Bay, Iona Island, Sea Island, Reifel Bird Sanctuary) (see Table 1, confirmed records 1-5, 8-14 and 16). Elsewhere in Canada, this species has been recorded once in Alberta and once in Saskatchewan (Escott 1995, Godfrey 1986).
Identification and Similar Species
It is crucial for observers to be aware of the fact that before attempting to identify any unusual shorebird one must determine the age of the bird in question. Thorough familiarity with all plumages of the more common species in the area, Western and Semipalmated Sandpipers, is critical for those attempting to identify stints since the variation within the species often exceeds the differences between the species. It must be stated that, even if the identification seems confirmed, it is highly recommended that photographs be obtained (if possible) to completely eliminate any other similar species. For juveniles and faded adults, photographs may be necessary for full confirmation of the sighting.
The following structural clues will apply to all individuals, regardless of age or plumage:
The Red-necked Stint has a shorter, thicker-based, and more sharply tapered bill than Western Sandpiper, even when compared to shorter- and straighter-billed male Westerns. When compared with Semipalmated Sandpiper, the more strongly tapered bill of Red-necked Stint is an important field mark as Semipalmated is generally known for its straight, nail-like bill with little taper towards the tip (sometimes even appearing slightly bulbous at the tip). The bill of Little Stint is similar to that of Red-necked Stint but slightly longer and noticeably finer, especially at the tip (See Figures 1a-h).
The head of Red-necked Stint typically appears squarer than Little Stint, Western Sandpiper or Semipalmated Sandpiper, and usually shows a rather steep angle between the forehead and base of the bill. The body of Red-necked Stint often appears rounder-bellied than Western or Semipalmated Sandpipers, while at the same time showing a longer, more attenuated rear end due to the bird’s longer primary projection (the primaries extending past the tip of the tail when folded). The belly of Little Stint also appears rounded, with the attenuated rear-end appearance even more pronounced. Of course, such subtle structural clues require extensive field experience to fully understand and, even with this field experience, are usually more useful when in direct comparison with other similar species (See Figures 1a through 1h).
The legs and feet of Red-necked Stint are blackish in all plumages, as in Little Stint and both Western and Semipalmated Sandpiper (although some juvenile Semipalmated Sandpipers can have paler olive legs), with the legs typically appearing slightly shorter than in Little Stint. The feet, however, lack the partial webbing between the toes that is present in two sandpipers. Although requiring a very close look, this mark can help distinguish Red-necked Stint from Western and Semipalmated Sandpipers, although it should be noted that it does not help in differentiating individuals from Little Stint as that species also lacks this partial webbing. It should be noted that this field mark requires extremely close scrutiny to determine and is best left to photographs to confirm.
The Identification of adults in bright breeding plumage anywhere in British Columbia. should present few problems, particularly when compared to similarly-plumaged Western and Semipalmated Sandpipers, but this species can be highly variable with regard to the extent of red on the throat and face and care may be required when confronted with individuals with reduced red, particularly when compared with Little Stint (See Figure 1a compared to Figure 3b). When in full breeding plumage, such as those individuals seen on the coast in late June and July, the red throat and face of Red-necked Stint should catch the observer’s eye immediately and allow for quick identification (See Figure 1c and Figure 1d).
The following additional field marks should prove helpful when confronted with a faded or worn adult (such as in mid- to late summer) and a thorough knowledge of these additional features may be necessary for identification in some cases.
The Red-necked Stints seen on the coast in late June and through July are often in full breeding plumage, at which point the entire head, throat, and upper breast are rich rusty-red (except for narrow blackish streaks on the crown and a small pale area around the base of the bill), eliminating confusion with any other species. Spring Red-necked Stints in very fresh breeding plumage have extensive red on the face and throat, as in full breeding plumage, but the red colouration is often paler and more washed out and the narrow blackish crown streaks are edged with frosty-white. From mid-July through August, however, observers may be confronted with worn, faded breeding adults which may appear superficially similar to our other small sandpipers, most notably breeding Little Stint, although the reddish colouration on the head and breast of Little Stint is slightly more orange-tinged than in Red-necked Stint. When worn, the throat and supercilium of Red-necked Stint become gradually whiter and the red colouration becomes less extensive, until at the extreme it is reduced to a pale reddish wash across the upper breast and on the crown, nape, and auriculars (Lewington et al. 1991). As well, the auriculars and lores become increasingly dusky, eventually appearing to form a narrow dark mask across the face. The pale supercilium often splits up the forehead, a feature shared with (and even more prominent in) Little Stint but not Western or Semipalmated Sandpipers (Lewington et al. 1991). Breeding-plumaged Western Sandpipers throughout the summer have all reddish tones on the head restricted to the auriculars, crown, and upper nape, never extending anywhere onto the throat or upper breast as in Red-necked Stint (See Figures 1g and 1h and compare to Figures 1c and d). Breeding-plumaged Semipalmated Sandpipers generally lack any reddish tones on the head, making separation from adult Red-necked Stint straightforward (See Figures 1e and f and compare to Figures 1c and d).
A critical feature for separation of adult Little and worn adult Red-necked Stints is the distribution of dark speckling on the breast. In Red-necked Stint, these dark speckles are below the pure reddish breast, even when worn, whereas in Little Stint the reddish colouration across the upper breast is peppered with dark speckles throughout (Lewington et al. 1991) (See Figure 1b and compare to Figure 1c).
In Red-necked Stints, the dark spots below the red throat form a necklace across the upper breast, extending only slightly down the upper sides. In both Western and Semipalmated Sandpipers, these dark spots extend further down the sides to the upper flanks, often appearing as more extensive streaks (Compare Figure 1c-d and 3a-b to Figure 1e-f and Figure 1g-h).
Both Red-necked and Little Stints are separable from Western and Semipalmated Sandpipers by upper part colouration, as the scapular feathers of both have bold, rounded black centres, distinct reddish edges, and whitish tips (Lewington et al. 1991, Veit and Jonsson 1984). Western Sandpipers also have rusty-red scapular feathers, but in that species the red colouration is located near the base of each feather, separated from the whitish featheredge by an anchor-shaped black band. Semipalmated Sandpiper also has black feather centres, like Red-necked and Little Stints, but largely lacks the reddish colouration (although some have a slight reddish tinge along the edges) and the black centres are less rounded. The mantle on Red-necked and Little Stints shows a series of blackish lines with two whitish lines along the edge of the scapulars forming a whitish “V” when viewed from behind (Lewington et al. 1991). Although a similar field mark is shown by Western and Semipalmated Sandpipers, it is much more noticeable in the stints. With Little Stints showing bold mantle “V” markings and Red-necked Stints showing softer less defined mantle “V” markings (Lewington et al. 1991, Grant et al. 1984). Additionally, even in the brightest breeding plumage, the wing coverts and tertials of Red-necked Stints are always grayish or brownish with paler feather edges (some tertials occasionally with reddish edges in the brightest adults) (Veit and Jonsson 1984). This feature is a good field mark for separating adults from adult Little Stints, which show extensive rufous feather edges on the upper wing coverts and tertials in breeding plumage (Veit and Jonsson 1984)(See Figure 1c and compare to Figure 1b).
The Identification of juvenile Red-necked Stints in British Columbia is very difficult given the similarities to other juvenile peeps, especially juvenile Semipalmated Sandpipers, and extreme caution is necessary when attempting to identify such a subtly distinctive plumage. Variation within the small Calidris sandpipers is very extensive, often confusing even shorebird experts, and a cautious approach must be taken with vagrants such as Red-necked Stints. Juvenile Red-necked Stints can vary from dull-plumaged birds resembling Semipalmated Sandpipers to brighter, rustier birds more similar to Little Stints, with the brightest and freshest-plumaged birds occurring earlier during migration with the brightest juvenile Western and Semipalmated Sandpipers (the latter is a particularly important pitfall for those not familiar with the plumage). The subtle structural differences of individual Calidris species becomes even more important than when confronted with adults, and as a result it is highly desirable that photographic evidence be obtained of suspected juvenile Red-necked (or Little) Stints (See Figures 3c-e and Figure 3f).
One feature of the two juvenile stints that may help separate them from juvenile Western and Semipalmated Sandpipers is the “capped” appearance of the head which is created by the brighter, rusty crown contrasting sharply with the grayish nape. This collared pattern is most obvious when viewed from behind or above and is much more prominent in Red-necked and Little Stints than the two sandpipers, although those species can also show a suggestion of the pattern (See Figures 2a-b along with Figure 2c and compare to Figures 2g-h and 2k-l). As well, the sides of the crown of Red-necked Stint tend to be paler and more finely streaked than the centre of the crown, a feature that can be used to separate such individuals from juvenile Semipalmated Sandpiper with its usually more uniform crown (Lewington et al. 1991). Another feature that is shared by the two stints but is not as prominent on the two sandpipers is the split supercilium. On Red-necked Stints and, especially, Little Stints, the whitish supercilium splits in front of the eye, with a narrow spur running up the side of the forehead and, often, along the side of the crown in addition to the supercilium (Lewington et al. 1991). This forehead pattern is best observed when viewing the bird head-on or from above, although it is not nearly as prominent as on juvenile Little Stints (See Figure 2b). In Western and Semipalmated Sandpipers this feature is absent or much reduced and is never as prominent as in the two stints. Additionally, the supercilium of Red-necked Stints is usually interrupted above the eye by a diffuse, dusky area, a feature typically not shown by the other species with which it can be confused (Lewington et al. 1991). The ear coverts of Red-necked Stints tend to look more uniformly dark than on Little Stints, which often has a paler area behind the eye (Lewington et al. 1991).
The sides of the neck and sides of the breast in juvenile Red-necked Stint are usually washed with buff and finely streaked, a feature which can be used to separate those birds from juvenile Little Stints which tends to have the buff wash and slightly more prominent streaking extend across the upper breast (Lewington et al. 1991)(See Figures 2c-e and compare to Figures 2a-b and Figure 3f).
The most consistent difference between juvenile Red-necked Stints and the other small Calidris sandpipers is the pattern of the mantle and scapular feathers. When fresh, both Red-necked and Little Stints have distinctive stripes down each side of the mantle, often referred to as white “braces,” giving the birds the appearance of having a white “V” down the back when viewed from behind (Lewington et al. 1991, Veit and Jonsson, 1984)(See Figure 2b and Figures 2d -e). These white “braces” generally become much less distinctive or even almost absent in Red-necked Stints as the plumage becomes worn whereas in Little Stints they tend to remain bold and distinctive throughout juvenile plumage, allowing this feature to be used to separate the two stints in late summer when in faded plumage (Lewington et al. 1991). The mantle feathers of the stints in particular tend to be richer and brighter rufous than in Western or Semipalmated Sandpipers, adding further contrast to the white and dark mantle stripes (Lewington et al. 1991). This “streaked” appearance of the mantle is particularly useful when separating juvenile stints from juvenile Semipalmated Sandpipers, as that species tends to have a more “scaled” or “scalloped” pattern on the mantle due to the very fine pale fringes on the feathers (See Figure 2g-2j). The upperparts of worn juvenile Red-necked Stints can often approach the appearance of juvenile Western Sandpipers, with the bold rufous scapulars contrasting with the duller, grayer mantle and wing coverts, although the brightness of the scapulars and their subsequent contrast are typically not quite as apparent as on the sandpiper (Lewington et al. 1991). A further distinction between these two species is the face pattern, which appears “cleaner” in Western Sandpipers with a bolder, broader, unbroken whitish supercilium (Lewington et al. 1991). The breast of Western Sandpipers also tends to have slightly more extensive fine streaking, although this is most apparent only on fresh birds (See Figure 2k and Figure 2l).
The scapular feathers of Red-necked Stints offer a further distinction from Little Stints and the two North American peeps. In Red-necked Stints, the lower scapulars are dull grayish with buffy or rufous-buff fringes and a dark, anchor-shaped distal area, fading to dull grayish with paler fringes when worn (Lewington et al. 1991). In Little Stints, these lower scapulars have fully dark centres with narrow whitish and rufous edges, giving the bird an overall brighter rufous appearance on the upperparts. This contrasting, brighter rufous appearance is also enhanced by the extensive rusty edges to the dark wing covert and tertial feathers in Little Stints (Lewington et al. 1991). In Red-necked Stints, these feathers are duller grayish with pale edges (sometimes tinged with some rufous on the wing coverts), often giving the wings a washed-out, grayish appearance (Veit and Jonsson 1984)(Compare Figure 2d with Figure 2a to see differences). The scapulars of Western Sandpipers differ from both Red-necked and Little Stints in being more extensively rufous towards the base with blackish marks towards the tips and pale fringes, especially when fresh (Lewington et al. 1991)(See Figure 2l). In Semipalmated Sandpipers the scapulars are more akin to Red-necked Stints, although the more prominent pale fringes give them a scaly appearance (Lewington et al. 1991)(See Figures 2g-i).
The identification of breeding-plumaged Sanderling (Calidris alba), a common migratory species along the coast of British Columbia, can cause unexpected confusion for observers unaware of the similarities between that species and Red-necked Stint. Breeding-plumaged Sanderlings often begin to appear along the B.C. coast early in fall migration (July), at the same time when most occurrences of breeding-plumaged Red-necked Stints have been recorded in the province. Compared to Red-necked Stint, Sanderling is a much larger and noticeably chunkier shorebird, a fact that is especially evident when it is seen in the vicinity of Western or Semipalmated Sandpipers. When direct comparison to other small sandpipers is not possible, the most reliable plumage feature to separate Sanderling from Red-necked Stint is the presence of dark spotting throughout the red face and neck color (Chandler, 1989). Red-necked Stint, in comparison, has black spotting restricted to a band across the upper breast below the extent of red colour, with the red face and throat unspotted. Sanderling is a longer-billed, longer-legged species than Red-necked Stint and, with exceptional views; the absence of a hind toe in Sanderling can also be used to differentiate the two species (Chandler 1989).
Another species closely resembling breeding-plumaged Red-necked Stint is breeding-plumaged Spoon-billed Sandpiper (Eurynorhynchus pygmeus). This critically endangered species has occurred once in British Columbia (Iona Island, Vancouver: July 30-August 3, 1978) (Campbell et al. 1990, Paulson 1993). According to BirdLife International, the current world population of Spoon-billed Sandpipers is thought to have declined from 4000-6000 breeding pairs to less than a 1000 breeding pairs (Tomkovich et al. 2001). The Spoon-billed Sandpiper is a widely migratory species wintering in select regions of South East Asia from Thailand to Bangladesh and breeding in the Far East of Russia (Tomkovich et al. 2001). Because Spoon-billed Sandpipers are highly migratory there is always an extremely remote chance of another bird finding its way down the West Coast of North America. When possible, this species is best separated from Red-necked Stint by the thicker bill base and unique spatulated bill tip (Hayman et al. 1986). The brick red face, throat, and upper breast of a breeding-plumaged adult Spoon-billed Sandpiper are similar to that of a breeding Red-necked Stint, but the dark breast streaks extend lower on the breast and down the flanks (Hayman et al. 1986). The top of the forehead, crown and hindneck are suffused with chestnut-red and dark brown (Hayman et al. 1986). The supercilium is chestnut-red and suffused with dark brown in front of the eye, fading to whitish behind the eye (Hayman et al. 1986). The whitish feathering around the base of the bill in the Spoon-billed Sandpiper is also more extensive than on Red-necked Stint (Hayman et al. 1986). On the back there is a well defined pale mantle “V” on Spoon-billed Sandpiper, and the dark feather centres and yellow-chestnut feather fringes of the scapulars extend further down on the wing towards the coverts than on adult Red-necked Stint (Hayman et al. 1986). "Spoon-billed Sandpipers have a distinct feeding behaviour that is unique among all the world's sandpipers, moving their head from side to side using their spatulated bills to catch their intended prey (Hayman et al. 1986).
In the unlikely event that Spoon-billed Sandpiper ever occurs again in British Columbia it is important for observers to be aware of the best distinguishing field marks.
The call notes given by Red-necked Stint include coarse, almost squeaky chit, prip, and pit-pit-pit notes, sounding lower-pitched than the short, dry stit call of Little Stint and approaching the lower cherk or chrup calls of Semipalmated Sandpiper (Hayman et al. 1986). The call notes of Red-necked Stint differ greatly from the sharp, high-pitched, almost grating jeet or cheet calls of Western Sandpiper. Red-necked Stint also sometimes gives a short trill when flushed (Hayman et al. 1986).
Occurrence and Documentation
The first confirmed report of a Red-necked Stint in British Columbia was an adult in full breeding plumage found on July 4, 1961 on Sea Island, in Richmond (see Table 1). Since the first initial sightings in the late 1970s, there has been a slow but steady increase in observations of this beautiful Asian shorebird in British Columbia and, indeed, across the whole of North America. With an increase in both observer coverage and the knowledge of observers, this species is now known to be of regular, and probably annual, occurrence during fall migration in coastal British Columbia. Additionally, this species is now recorded occasionally during spring migration, indicating that at least a few individuals may be successfully wintering farther south in the western hemisphere.
Identification of this species is straightforward when presented with a full breeding-plumaged adult, but identification of birds in juvenile and faded breeding plumage can be very complicated due to the close similarities to other small Calidris shorebirds. This paper describes the distribution and occurrence of the species in British Columbia, and also examines the similarities of all plumages of Red-necked Stint to species with which it might be confused, most notably Little Stint (C. minuta), Semipalmated Sandpiper (C. pusilla), and Western Sandpiper (C. mauri). It is hoped that the discussions presented here will fuel further interest in this species among birders in British Columbia and hopefully allow more people to be fortunate enough to lay eyes on this elusive shorebird gem.
Red-necked Stint in British Columbia is primarily a bird of fall migration along the coast, with the majority of records concentrated around the shorebird meccas of the Vancouver area (see Table 1). Elsewhere along the coast, fall records have come from Haida Gwaii, southern Vancouver Island, and the Gulf Islands (see Table 1). This species is much rarer in spring, although a couple of spring records exist for the Vancouver area and one for eastern Vancouver Island. Although no records exist, it could potentially also turn up with flocks of migrating peeps anywhere in the interior of the province. Whenever found in British Columbia, this species is invariably found in association with other small Calidris sandpipers, particularly Western and Semipalmated Sandpipers, occurring in habitats such as mudflats, sandy beaches, and sewage ponds. Within these flocks, adult Red-necked Stints are usually very obvious with their extensively red head, although faded adults may require closer scrutiny to pick out. In British Columbia, all but one of the confirmed records of Red-necked Stint are of adult birds in breeding plumage, indicating the relative ease at which this plumage is located and identified compared to juveniles. The single confirmed record of a juvenile bird is of one photographed in late fall at Iona Island near Vancouver. Although unconfirmed, several other credible records of juvenile Red-necked Stint exist for the coast of the province, their status as hypothetical because these records lack of photographic evidence.
Adult Red-necked Stints generally appear with the first waves of adult Western Sandpipers, from late June through July, with the brightest birds found earlier during migration (see Table 1 and 2). This time represents the peak of occurrence of the species in British Columbia, although the difficulty of locating and identifying faded adults and juveniles likely obscures its true status through the remainder of fall migration. Juvenile Red-necked Stints probably associate with migrating juvenile Western Sandpipers, which begins in late July and continues to early October. The three spring records of Red-necked Stint are all in May with returning flocks of adult Western Sandpipers. Two of these spring records were preceded by fall records the previous year, suggesting that either the same birds are involved in both fall and spring or that multiple Red-necked Stints are passing through this region each fall, with the few that survive the winter reappearing the following spring. The latter hypothesis seems much more likely.
Although a great deal of luck is required when searching for Red-necked Stint in British Columbia, a key to success may be monitoring the major weather systems in the North Pacific from late June through October. Large, fast moving low-pressure systems tracking from the northwest that bring strong winds to the Pacific coast of Canada sometimes bring with them an assortment of unusual long-distance migrants from Alaska and northeastern Siberia, including Red-necked Stint. Low-pressure centres can travel from the Aleutians or the Bering Sea region south to coastal British Columbia within a 24-hour time period. Remnants of typhoons in the western Pacific can also track from the vicinity of Japan to the British Columbia coast within 3 days, possibly influencing bird migration patterns of these strong offshore migrants. The larger and faster-moving the storm is, the better can be the results for overall shorebird numbers and the chances of finding a Red-necked or Little Stint. As an example, a juvenile Little Stint found at the tip of the Iona South Jetty on October 5, 1999 was found immediately following a rapidly moving weather system that moved from Alaska to the south coast of British Columbia in approximately one day (M. Meredith of Environment Canada in Toronto pers. comm.). This type of weather pattern also holds true for finding other rare but regularly occurring Asian shorebird species in British Columbia such as Bar-tailed Godwit, Ruff and Sharp-tailed Sandpiper. There is no guarantee that these large low pressure systems will produce these exotic rarities from Asia, but this type of weather does help increase the likelihood of these birds making their way to areas south of Alaska to British Columbia. Being aware of this fact can only help observers search for a Red-necked Stint in their local shorebird spot.
Table 1: British Columbia Records of Red-necked Stint
1.(1) adult breeding plumage July 4, 1961: John Toochin, Ed Moody, Dr. Yak: Sea Island, Richmond (Toochin 2012d)
2.(1) adult breeding plumage June 24-25, 1978: DMM, mobs (photo) Iona Island, Richmond (Harrington-Tweit et al. 1978, Campbell et al. 1990b)
3.(1) adult breeding plumage July 13-15, 1978: GA, mobs (photo) Iona Island, Richmond (Harrington-Tweit et al. 1978, Campbell et al. 1990b)
4.(1) adult breeding plumage August 25-26, 1978: Barry Sauppe, BAM, mobs (photo) Iona Island, Richmond (Campbell et al. 1990b)
5.(1) adult breeding plumage July 3-4, 1986: BAM, mobs (photo) Iona Island, Richmond (Mattocks 1986, Campbell et al. 1990b)
6.(1) adult breeding plumage June 26- July 5, 1988: D. Michael Price, mobs (photo) Iona Island, Richmond (Campbell et al. 1990b)
7.(1) adult breeding plumage July 18, 1989: fide Rob Butler: Sidney Island, Victoria (Toochin 2012d)
8.(1) juvenile plumage August 8-9, 1991: Rick Toochin, and other observers Sidney Island (Toochin 2012d)
9.(1) adult breeding plumage June 23-24, 1992: Mike Bentley, mobs (photo) Sandspit Airport, Haida Gwaii (Toochin 2012d)
(2) adult breeding plumage June 25, 1992: Mike Bentley, mobs (photo) Sandspit Airport, Haida Gwaii (Toochin 2012d)
(1) adult breeding plumage June 26-28, 1992: Mike Bentley, mobs (photo) Sandspit Airport, Haida Gwaii (Toochin 2012d)
10.(2) adult breeding plumage July 13, 1992: Richard A. Cannings, mobs: 112th Street, Boundary Bay (Siddle 1992c, Dorsey 1996b, Toochin 2012d)
11.(1) adult breeding plumage May 20, 1997: Rick Toochin, John Toochin, FH, mobs (photo) Iona Island, Richmond (Plath 2000, Toochin 2012d)
12.(1) adult breeding plumage June 19, 1997: John Ireland, mobs: Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary, Ladner (Bowling 1997c, Toochin 2012d)
13.(1) adult breeding plumage July 2, 1998: Rick Toochin, Ken Klimko, mobs: Iona Island, Richmond (Shepard 1998, Plath 2000, Toochin 2012d)
14.(1) juvenile plumage October 28-November 17, 1999: Rick Toochin, Allan Milligan, mobs (photo) Iona Island, Richmond (Shepard 2000, Toochin 2012d)
15.(1) adult breeding plumage May 15, 2003: Rick Toochin, JO: 96th St. @ The Mansion, Boundary Bay, Delta (Cecile 2003b, Toochin 2012d)
16.(1) adult breeding plumage August 7, 2003: Guy Monty, Rick Toochin: 104th St., Boundary Bay, Delta (Toochin 2012d)
17.(1) adult breeding plumage May 7, 2005: Guy Monty (photo) mouth of Englishman River Estuary, Parksville (Cecile 2005c, Toochin 2012d)
18.(1) adult breeding plumage July 2, 2005: Rick Toochin (photo) Iona Island Sewage Ponds, Richmond (Cecile 2005d, Toochin 2012a)
19.(1) adult faded breeding plumage July 16, 2005: David Allinson, Chris Saunders, Gabe David: Witty’s Lagoon, Victoria (Toochin 2012d)
20.(1) adult faded breeding plumage August 11, 2006: Ilya Povalyaev, mobs: btwn 104th-96th St., Boundary Bay, Delta (Cecile 2007a, Toochin 2012a)
21.(1) juvenile plumage August 26, 2011: Nathan Hentze, Jamie Fenneman, and other observers: Witty’s Lagoon, Metchosin (Toochin 2012d)
22.(1) adult breeding plumage July 18, 2012: Peter Hamel: Little Spit, Sandspit, Haida Gwaii (Toochin 2012d)
23.(1) adult breeding plumage faded plumage July 27-29, 2012: Kevin Louth, mobs (photo) 96th St., Boundary Bay, Delta (Toochin 2012d)
24.(1) adult breeding plumage August 4-5, 2013: John Chandler, mobs (photo) west of 104th St., Boundary Bay, Delta (BC Bird Alert Blog: Accessed August 6, 2013)
25.(1) juvenile October 12, 2014: Rick Toochin, Mitch Meredith, Peter Hamel, Margo Hearne, Martin Williams (photo) Sea Plane Spit, Masset, Haida Gwaii (R. Toochin Pers. Comm.)
26.(1) adult in worn breeding plumage July 22-26, 2016: Kevin Louth, mobs (photo) 96th St., Boundary Bay (D. Cecile Pers. Comm.)
27.(2) adults in full breeding plumage July 16, 2021: Peter Hamel: Delkatla Wildlife Sanctuary, Masset, Haida Gwaii (P. Hamel Pers. Comm.)
28.(1) adult in breeding plumage July 13-17, 2023: Ilya Povalyaev, mobs: area of 96th St., Boundary Bay, Delta (D. Cecile Pers. Comm.)
29.(1) adult breeding plumage July 13, 2024: David Elphinstone (photo) North Beach (D. Cecile Pers. Comm.)
30.(1) adult in breeding plumage July 15, 2024: Rick Toochin (photo) Delkatla Wildlife Sanctuary, Masset, Haida Gwaii (R. Toochin Pers. Comm.)
30.(1) adult in breeding plumage July 15, 2024: Rick Toochin (photo) Delkatla Wildlife Sanctuary, Masset, Haida Gwaii (R. Toochin Pers. Comm.)
I would like to thank David Allinson, Peter Hamel, John Ireland, Guy Monty, Ilya Povalyaev and John Toochin for providing me with information on various personal and regional observations of Red-necked Stints in British Columbia. I also would like to thank David Allinson, Don Cecile, Dan Derbyshire, Peter Hamel, Margo Hearne, Jamie Fenneman and Mitch Meredith for reviewing the manuscript. I would like to thank the following people for graciously allowing me to use their photographs in the article: Alister Benn, Andrew Boycott, Mike Danzenbaker, Markus Keskitalo, Jo Ann MacKenzie, Guy Monty, Jorma Tenovuo, Pim A. Wolf and Mike Yip. All photographs used in this article are protected by copyright and are used here with permission.
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Bain, M. 2003a. Cross Canada Round-Up: April and May 2003. Birders Journal 12: 94.
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Campbell, R. W., N. K. Dawe, I. McTaggart-Cowan, J. M. Cooper, G. W. Kaiser and M. C. E. McNall. 1990. The Birds of British Columbia, Volume. 2 Non Passerines: Diurnal Birds of Prey through Woodpeckers. R.B.C. Museum, Victoria.
Chandler, R. J. 1989. The MacMillan Field Guide to North Atlantic Shorebirds. The MacMillan Press Ltd, London, UK.
Dorsey, J. 1996. Vancouver Rare Birds Records: Committee Report for 1992 and 1993. Discovery 25: 66-70.
Escott, C. J. 1995. Extralimital Occurrence of Rufous-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis in North America. Birders Journal 4: 132-138.
Godfrey, W. E., 1986. The Birds of Canada. National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Grant, P. J. and L. Jonsson. 1984. Identification of Stints and Peeps. British Birds 77: 293-315.
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